Beyond the Scientific Way

Fahmi Amhar Official Blog

My JICMI Paper (Closing Session)

Sunday, December 15th, 2013



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fahmi Amhar
Research Professor in Spatial Information System
Geospatial Information Agency
Jl. Jakarta-Bogor Km. 46 Cibinong-Indonesia,


Muslim Intellectuals have submitted some proposals as solution for some problematics in the world.  But some of them missed the whole system-framework and the islamic paradigm, so that their solutions are not yet effective.  Islam gives inspirations to many aspects in science and technology.  Islam gives the frame how research could be done.  And Islam gives the guidence, how the technology should be applied.  Technology without Islam will enslave, Islamic world without technology will be colonialized, but technology guided by Islam will liberate the world from slavery and colonialism. 

The society is built by individual personality (taqwa); by public opinion which guided the social-control; and by state policy.  Muslim intellectuals should take the responsibilty to improve the awareness of the umma and change the dominant opinion – which now is secular-liberalism one.  And muslim intellectuals should aso change the opinion of political leaders.  When the islamic awareness of leaders improved, then the leader can change the opinion of the umma so that they can be transformed to be a better society.


Cendekiawan Muslim telah mengajukan berbagai proposal sebagai solusi untuk beberapa problematika di dunia. Tetapi beberapa dari mereka masih belum menangkap kerangka sistem keseluruhan dan juga belum mendasarkan pemikirannya pada paradigma Islam, sehingga solusi mereka belum efektif. Islam memberikan inspirasi tentang banyak aspek dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Islam memberikan kerangka bagaimana penelitian bisa dilakukan. Dan Islam memberikan bimbingan , bagaimana teknologi harus diterapkan. Teknologi tanpa Islam akan memperbudak, dunia Islam tanpa teknologi akan dijajah, tetapi teknologi dipandu oleh Islam akan membebaskan dunia dari perbudakan dan penjajahan. (more…)